Project Co-Workers

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Freelance specialists from the IT-sector are held in high esteem in companies from all lines of business. We procure profitable assignments

Not being directly integrated into your employer’s company organization, you are able to preserve your independence and at the same time expand your network. What can we do for you? – Let’s talk about it!  Contact Us

In search of expertise, not available in their own office, companies often turn to freelancers. But especially big firms resent addressing the public in those cases. We can place freelance specialists in well-known companies for fascinating projects.

Your Advantages


Our personnel consultants continuously support you – from the first contact to a successful placement.


From the personality analysis over application coaching to the moment, where you say wow – that’s what we call service.


Many of the companies we procure job seekers to have been looked after by us for years, so we know our partners really well.


We carefully think about our suggestions for you. We most certainly won’t get on your nerves with unsuitable placement offers.

Successful placement thanks to LEIWI


We don’t give up until you’re satisfied. You’re looking for a position, we will find it for you.

We have summarized our ideas and beliefs of a better cooperation with everybody, in our LEIWI process. To us LEIWI is not only a tool for our clients – we also try to fulfill these values in our ever day work life and our personal contact with clients and candidates. And we take pride in saying, that up to now we have succeeded in doing so.

Other solutions

Regular Employment

The right Key

You only hear about the really exciting job opportunities, when they are already taken? A lot of firms directly approach personnel service providers instead of advertising a vacancy. Our contacts are your direct access path to the best companies.

More about Regular Employment


Personnel Leasing

Specialists wanted

The work environment is constantly changing: Many companies are in need of support for major projects or only want to commit to employees temporarily, in times of changing corporate structures. We are your direct line to the company of your choice.

More about Personnel Leasing